A bird in the hand

This year’s Monty Lit Fest is delighted to welcome back local poet, writer and painter, Frieda Hughes.

Following last year’s sell-out appearance, Frieda will be joining the Festival on the afternoon of Saturday 10th June to tell us all about her new book, George: A Magpie Memoir. It’s the story of her relationship with George, who grows from a scrap of magpie feathers and bone, the sole survivor of a nest destroyed in a storm, into an intelligent and unruly companion – and what happens when the time comes to set him free.

Frieda is not the only author looking at our relationship with birds at this year’s event. Just before Frieda, Jasmine Donahaye will be sharing the stage with Gwen Davies, editor of New Welsh Review, to discuss her book, Birdsplaining. It’s the chance to hear how Jasmine’s collection of essays asks searching questions about our relationship to the natural world and to one another – along with wider questions about the nature of nature writing itself.

We’ll also be returning to the natural world on the afternoon of Sunday 11th June with three sessions that look at the relationship between town and country, the lives of working people who have shaped the countryside and how to balance the needs of farming and conservation.

Tickets are now on sale now – online or in person at The Montgomery Bookshop and Ivy House Café in Montgomery.